Song of Solomon 7:10
I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.
It began across two states, separated by a stronger border than most countries have, with no passports you could procure that would allow crossing. He had to convince her this was possible, and she had to capture his heart. But were both successful.
I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.
Ben finds the love of his life on a Christian dating site, and he clicks to match with her! The only problem was, so did hundreds of others.
Naomi's profile was so popular the dating site began to use her in promoting the site.
Most people on this site that match with you, it doesn't show you their profile, unless you pay. Ben didn't pay. Neither did Naomi, who also set her match-radius to be 100kms from Brisbane or less. But since the site made Naomi an ambassador, it thought he should see this wonderful girl!
The messages start, and the messages stop. Over the next few months, Ben has seen that his imaginary Pearl of Great Price exists, is real, and possible.
Ben was willing to compromise his ideals for the right woman, as he wasn't unrealistic, and didn't expect someone to have them all. Yet here she was! Everything that Ben had ever dreamed possible in his ideal women, but she wouldn't talk to him, was a whole state away, and he didn't have any way of contacting her except through this app. Which unbeknownst to him, she got so overwhelmed with attention, she had deleted.
So, over the next few months, Ben would leave the occasional message to show he was still interested, hopefully without sounding desperate for her. The reality was she had stolen his heart, just with her self description. And no one else ever counted again for Ben from then on.
For years Bens's mother Sherlene had been praying for a wife for her precious son. However, 2 months before Ben and Naomi connected, Sherlene was moved by the spirit of God to pray for her son's future wife four times a day, setting alarms and faithfully uplifting Ben's future wife in prayer.
Naomi's mother was similarly praying for her too, getting up every morning at 4am to spend time with the Lord in prayer and praying for her daughter's future husband to be revealed.
These added to the voices of people already praying for a wife for Pr Ben faithfully over the years, like Ian and Judy Hall, Ben's family, his churches, and a whole lot of others.
There was also beautiful Christians praying for Naomi's husband, such as Maria Rayner, Denise Franklin and Corrie Taylor.
Since Naomi deleted the app from her phone, she thought it was gone, but she only uninstalled the app, not disabling her profile. One day when Naomi was browsing her junk mail folder, she discovered a series of messages from Ben, who had never stopped messaging Naomi over the few months of her silence between April - July 2021. Naomi thought about Ben and prayed over what she should do for the next three days.
Then, a dream Naomi had changes everything...
After 3 days of thinking and praying about Ben and the messages he sent Naomi after she left the dating app, Naomi had a dream about Ben, and when she woke up from that dream, she knew she had to reach out to him...
What's amazing is, the same night that Naomi had the dream about Ben, he was being propositioned by another women, who desperately wanted to marry him...
Pr Ben would rather wreck a rim from a flat tyre, than risk pulling over on the highway; to keep safe, and people on the road safe. However on some emergencies he will make an exception.
Naomi's first text message on the 14h of July, was such a significant exception. This one message changed Ben's life for the better, forever.
He immediately pulled over to the shoulder on a busy highway, and replied to the woman of his dreams.
On Zoom calls Naomi showed Pr Ben her greatest passion, her Evangelism efforts. Little 'God Loves You' tracts, as she shared her street witnessing and tract sharing efforts both in the city and her neighborhood.
She had a prize collection though, one she couldn't replace, or even find where they were sold.
As she showed him these most precious tracts from her collection, Pr Ben asked her to check the back of the tracts for a familiar logo. It was none other than Signs Publishing Company's Tracts!
Since the previous director of Signs was a personal friend, and Pr Ben knew where the local ABC was, he immediately ordered a pack of everything to be delivered to her door. All from NSW.
In the midst of Queensland slamming its borders shut, Pr Ben and Naomi met for the first time on Christmas day, on opposite sides of the then closed border. Ben had driven up from Sydney, to meet Naomi one week before the border would allow him to cross over into QLD to move there for her, which he had already planned months before this fateful day.
From across the border as he glimpsed Naomi for the first time, Ben had the concrete thought that 'I think I just saw my Future Wife for the first time'.
As Naomi was walking up to Ben, on the QLD side of the boarder, the second she locked eyes with him, she knew in her spirit that this was the man God had destined her to marry. Ben was her future husband!
Soon after Benjamin moved to QLD to pursue Naomi, he was helping Naomi move house and found that her prized possession is her extensive library.
As she was sharing some of her books, Pr Ben was super interested to hear of one of her favorite book's authors. The well-known MR E G White, although she didn't know who he was, she liked the book she had that he wrote, 'Health and Peace'. Pr Ben thought he sounded familiar.
Whilst going through her bookshelf as she was showing him her treasures, Ben found familiar logos in many of them. Bible Readings for the Home Circle was one she treasured dearly, and she loved the author called Arthur S Maxwell, especially 'Your bible and You'.
Naomi wasn't an SDA and hadn't ever met any Adventist who had explained to her what it was. So, she didn't know that Mr White was a she, or that the many Review and Herald books she owned, were ours.
On every shelf, on every bookcase she had, Ben found at least one, if not more, of our publications. Most of which were her favorites.
As they got to know each other better, they quickly grew to become not only lovers, but best friends.
There were so many surprising similarities between Pr Ben and Naomi - it was as if their paths had almost crossed many times before, but God was waiting for the perfect moment in both of their lives, for Him to introduce them to each other, in His divine timing.
They had both grown up in the same areas, and frequented the same places of interest and nature spots, but never crossed paths until many years later...
Naomi and Ben went to the same school together, North Pine Christian College, but alas, 9 years apart...
In 2017 Naomi had done DARP, and become close with her facilitator, a kind older gentlemen who took Naomi under his wings and began praying with her.. what is amazing is that this older friend of Naomi's, was also the brother of Pr Ben's life long mentor and best friend! Discovering this close connection, many years later, at a Christmas party that they were all invited to, was quite profound.
Their connecting - during a covid lockdown, online, and separated by 2 states: when Naomi had never had a social media presence, let alone put herself online before; was truly the Lord working in His most mysterious of ways. And they thank God for doing so, many times that they pray.
One year to the day of them meeting face to face, Ben formally proposed to Naomi in the exact spot where they first met face to face, by building her a jigsaw puzzle, and letting her place the final piece as a 'yes' or 'not yet'. (Spoiler, she chose yes!)
Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
The passion of love bursting into flame
is more powerful than death,
and love is stronger than the grave.
Love cannot be drowned by oceans or floods.
It cannot be bought—
any offer would be scorned no matter how great.
We invite you to join us in celebrating our love. On this day we will marry the one we laugh with, dream with, and love. Please ensure you are seated in the Amphitheatre inside the gardens by 1:45pm. Aim to be arriving at the gardens by 1.30pm, so that you have time to find a park, walk in and get seated on time, before it is too late!
Immediately after the Wedding Ceremony, the new Bride and Groom will pose for photographs with their families and friends inside the Amphitheatre - please wait around if you would like a photograph with the newlywed's and won't be at the reception!
Whilst the Bride and Groom are out with the bridal party for wedding photos, those with great cooking skills are attending the hall to place the final touches on the feast. All others who are invited to the reception, please enjoy the beautiful Sunshine coast whilst you wait for the grand banquet!
Guests are invited into the historic Eumundi School of Arts Hall for our wedding reception. You will have the opportunity to find your seats and get refreshments. When you enter, please see the seating chat to know where your seat is!
Guests are asked to stand for the entrance of the Bride and Groom, congratulations lovers.
We so badly wanted to invite everyone to the reception, but alas, finances and space prevented us from doing so. If you were invited to our reception, please arrive at the Historic Eumundi School of Arts Hall at approximately 5:15pm.
The Wedding Cake is revealed, and dessert is served! This will be the final event of the formal reception, after the speeches given by close family and friends.
All guests gather around to give the Bride and Groom a memorable send off, as they embark on their honeymoon as a newly married couple!
Here is where all of our amazing guests show us how much they mean to us by doing a Big Camp style chair and table pack-up, so we don't get charged over use fees, as the hall needs to be cleaned and ready for use by midnight sunday night!
The funniest guy you will ever meet, a musical virtuoso, and fellow pastor.
Naomi's best friend for over 10 years, pastor, international speaker and evangelist extraordinaire. Naomi and Eunia met on the streets of Brisbane in 2012, when both were handing out tracks and talking to people about Jesus. They quickly grew close, and began singing worship songs in the middle of Queen Street Mall together every Friday night.
Fresh from California and one of Bens and Naomi's adventure buddies, Proprietor of Sims Construction, and family man.
Jonathan and Ben have done everything from dragging each other in innertubes behind F350's in the snow, to days on his ski boat.
Ryan and Pr Ben have been friends since 2005, and always have fun time. Ryan was head of security for GYC and is very involved with ASI ministries. A real missionary at heart. Although he was single last I checked, I can't work out why.
Pr Darren Cheers was a good friend of Pr Ben from 2006. However fate had it he married a Lawyer who happens to be the sister of Tim Turner's wife.
So now Darren is part of the family...
Amelia is a best friend of Naomi and a Powerhouse Evangelist with a deep love for God and an amazing testimony. God miraculously saved Amelia in 2018, and she has been on fire for him since! The two first met when both were preaching on the streets of the Gold Coast years ago, it was truly a divine encounter; as they had both been praying to meet another young women on the Gold Coast with a fearless heart for Evangelism to go out witnessing with!
Georgia instantly connected with Naomi at Big Camp in 2022, over their mutual passion for God and love of books. She is the Literature Ministry Co-Leader of the South QLD Seventh Day Adventist Church, and has enjoyed many faith fueled LE outings with Naomi. Both love health, ministry, puppies and Jesus!
KL and Naomi have bonded over many things, including their mutual love of the groom, and their precious doggies, Gabby and Fuzzle. Both KL and Naomi are often advocates for the powerless and vulnerable, are vegan wildlife warriors, and love to Op Shop!
Joanne has been one of the closest friends of Naomi's since they first met 8 years ago. Spending every weekend together, and exploring the world together, Joanne is like the little sister that Naomi always dreamed of having, and one of her closest friends; all in one! Joanne is now an international model who has recently moved to Dubai for work, and is the creator/owner of her own brand, KiniKove! Joanne was always going to be one of Naomi's bridesmaids, however unfortunately she is unable to travel this year due to a contract with a large job of hers. She sends her heartfelt wishes from the other side of the globe.